Play Quake 3 as Boots the Monkey from Dora

The skins not appearing in the menu has to do with the zip file structure. Unzipping it and rezipping it fixes it for me.

It doesn’t have a zip file entry for the directory “models/players/boots/” but it does for other directories. This prevents Quake 3 finding “boots” in “models/players” to look for icons. (Software doesn’t usually expose this information as directories can be detected based on other filenames.) (No idea why this happened here.)

Awesome! Thank you as always!

No, unfortunately it still didn’t work - the sound works correctly and the head now displays correctly, but I still can’t get the icon to load, even after re-zipping it.

Try using Terminal app and run commands similar to this:

cd ~/Desktop/path/to/md3_boots
zip -r ../ .
mv ../ ../md3_boots.pk3
  1. Change directory to where you have the model files (md3_boots) – you need to change the path.
  2. List files to check it’s the correct path (it should list models and sound).
  3. Zip all files in that directory into and save it the parent directory “~/Desktop/path/to/”.
  4. Rename (move) it to .pk3.

(Edit: This only works on macOS and Linux.)

Unfortunately, “the system cannot find the path specified.” at step 1 following the instructions verbatim/literally - what should I do instead?

You need to change the path to where the files are for md3_boots. I don’t know where you have them.

In Maverick, File → Recent Models shows the full path. You could use that but without the last part with the filename.

For example, if it shows /Users/sarge/Documents/Quake3/md3_boots/boots.mm3d then use

cd /Users/sarge/Documents/Quake3/md3_boots/

Will try that. Thank you as always!

It shows something really really weird, when I edit in the ZIP - it says that it’s in AppData\Local\Temp section in the “Recent Models” section, rather than correctly in the ZIP inside the C:\Games\ioquake3\baseq3.

Now, how exactly do I change this so it does work correctly and display the icon in game?

Show me every single detail I need to type, don’t omit anything with “~” or “…”

Because I don’t know how to guess what the blanks I should fill in are.

Oh, sorry, I thought you used macOS for some reason. Those zip directions don’t work on Windows, only macOS and Linux. (~ is the user directory and “..” is the parent directory, not omissions.)

If you’re using the built-in Zip feature of Windows and it’s not working, maybe try 7-zip. I don’t know.

Facepalm at my own silliness

It was worth a try at least, and I’m sorry I didn’t clarify I was using Windows earlier. It stinks you don’t know how else I can fix the problem, but do you know who else I could talk to?


Do you know a Windows expert who could solve my problem about the ZIP not working as it’s supposed to, given you only solve problems on macOS desktops as of right now?

Direct email from The_Gamer_99:

Cause you’re only an expert on the ZIP stuff for macOS, do you know who to talk to for Windows support?

There is nothing special about creating the zip file for a Quake 3 pk3. It seems like there is a software bug in Windows the way you’re doing it. My best advice is to install 7-zip on Windows and look up a guide for creating a zip file using 7-zip.

I use Linux. Creating a zip file happens to be the same on macOS according to ChatGPT. I’m not paid to provide support and I don’t feel like researching this on Windows. I don’t have any Windows support contacts to recommend. Anyone else on the forum is free to jump in and answer.

Awesome! Thank you for the help as always!

Awesome! Now it works beautifully, including the icon displaying properly.

I will upload the updated version on my Google Drive link earlier in my thread.

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Okay, now I have added bots for the character, so every detail is 100% complete for him in my opinion, but everyone please feel free to let me know if anything looks or sounds awkward about him, or if any of the bot chat lines are not fitting the character appropriately.

Oh yeah - I didn’t add custom skins yet, only the default 3 that every character has, but I will work on those next after I get feedback on if the default model is appropriate for the character or not.

My ideas for other boot textures without changing anything else about the model, only the boots:

  • Buzz Lightyear style boots, so the purple soles and the green semicircle on the back and the green all around the sole and so on

  • UGG style boots, but without the logo to make it not so obvious what it is referencing

  • Boots like SpongeBob wore as the Quickster, so blue with light blue soles and red dots

  • Cartoon snow boot styles, so something like black or purple for the boot and gray for the sole

  • Knight armor pattern boots

  • White boots with bright yellow soles, like astronaut boots

  • Danny Phantom style boots

  • Koopa Troopa style boots, so the soles will not be the multiple lines the pattern normally is, but only one line

These are all awesome ideas?

I removed the knight idea, cause it doesn’t really work for his boot style, but all the rest I kept like the UGG style boots or the cowboy outfit.

Okay, I decided to add all the custom skins anyway, and get a review on them as well as how well the default skins look appropriately to the original character.

The link is updated at the top with all the changes per usual.

I A: haven’t added the icons yet, only using the default ones for the custom skins and will definitely fix that later,

and B: Decided that the Koopa Troopa boot sole would have the same pattern as all the other ones, as it was hard to get the sole pattern of an actual Koopa Troopa boot down on the design of Boots’ boots - it doesn’t have a heel or any actual indents, unlike the Koopa boots