Play Quake 3 as Boots the Monkey from Dora

Hi everyone,

I don’t have the model made yet, but I downloaded a free model from a models website for Boots the Monkey from Dora, and my plan is detail wise besides the obvious choice of character:

For animations:

  • His jumping back animation will be a monkey backflip

  • His taunt animation will be waving his arms around over his head

  • All the other animations, like running forward or turning around, will just be the same as the other characters, so for turning it will be shuffling his legs slightly, for shooting it will be jerking his arms as the gun jerks them, and so on

For sound effects:

  • His dying sound and 25 health hurt sound will be about the same as Sandy’s, so the coughing sound and the guttural sound like a cat dying for the low health and dying sounds respectively, but it will be pitch shifted noticeably so it sounds like Boot’s voice and not Sandy’s

  • His 100 health sound will be a short abrupt “Yowch!”

  • His 75 health sound will be a more longer “Owie!”

  • His 50 health will be an “Ugh” sound, like “I don’t feel so good/sick”

  • His taunt sound will be a stock howler monkey screech, like in movies and cartoons

  • His jump sound will be him saying “Hup!” in his cute little monkey voice

  • His footstep sounds will be the non-metal shoe step sound, so the “default” option

For extra skins besides his normal look from the original show, I am thinking:

  • His blue team skin will be wearing blue boots rather than red boots, with a light blue sole, just like red and brown are on the same general area of the color wheel

  • His red team skin will be pinkish red hair over his torso rather than purplish blue hair, but his boots are red still to help emphasize he’s on the red team

For custom skins:

  • He will wear a pirate patch for one

  • A cowboy sherriff outfit for another

  • A Yoshi inspired skin for another, so green body hair, red belly, and his normal red boots

  • Probably more, but that’s all I can think of for now

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I am thinking another idea could be his boots are his most important detail, hence why he’s called the name, so maybe keep the rest of his body the same but change only the boots, whether it’s my own texture ideas or basing it off famous brands like UGG?

Okay, so I have it all set up correctly, haven’t added shaders yet cause there’s no need to, nor custom skins or botfiles, those will come later, but unfortunately I am told my head.md3 exceeds the maximum 999 verts and so failed to load, which is true when I look at the number of vertices in the editor.

However, if I dull down the amount of vertices on any of the body parts it won’t look realistically like him either; does anyone know if there is support for like a modification or patch of ioquake3 that will allow you to import more than 999 vertices for a player model?

Thank you very much in advance.

The link to my full model is here:

Boots the Monkey Quake 3 Custom Player Character

The vertex limit is per-mesh. You can split the head model into multiple meshes / groups to get around the limit if necessary.

Though it should be limited to 32 meshes per-model for .skin to work correctly in vanilla Quake 3.

Fewer meshes are preferable for slightly better performance. So probably don’t split it into a lot of meshes just for fun.

How would that work though, because I thought the game engine was hard-coded that it could only have one head, one upper, and one torso model only/specifically?

For a player character to get loaded in the game

The player head.md3, upper.md3, and lower.md3 models can contain multiple meshes. The official Quake 3 player models use this.

Can you show me an example in particular/detail wise?

Player models that use multiple meshes that I remember off-hand:

Models with 2 meshes:

Models with 5 meshes:

You can also browse around looking at the .skin files because they list all the meshes.

Awesome! Thank you and I will definitely look at how they did it and follow the example.

Okay, so I am going to assume in the Orbb upper.md3 example, the “u_antenna”, “u_torso” and so on are all the meshes, so all I have to do is divide the mesh into separate groups in that way and it should treat it as equal to one mesh without too many vertices cause it’s split now between the groups?

Yeah, you assume correctly.

Awesome! Sadly I will have to redo the animations for his torso, or is there a way to add new groups with animations present already in Maverick Model 3D?

Maverick Model 3D 1.3.13 and later allow adding new groups in models that contain Frame animations.

  1. Select the triangles that you want in the new group.
  2. Use menubar → Materials → Edit Groups…
  3. Click the “New” button in Edit Groups window. Enter a name for the group. Click OK.
  4. After adding the group, click Face § “Add to Group” button to make the selected triangles be part of the new group. (A triangle is only part of one group so this removes it from existing group.)

If you’re using Maverick 1.3.12 or older, an error will be reported when trying to add a new group. If you’re a macOS users who was stuck on 1.3.12 (2019), today I added macOS builds to the website for 1.3.13 (2021) and 1.3.14 (2023).

Awesome! I will just upgrade my version then.

Okay, it works perfectly for the most part - except the bottom part I specified as a separate mesh/group on the head isn’t drawn in-game… I assume it’s probably a problem/error on my end though?

Also on a separate note, the model doesn’t display as a choice on the player select screen and the sound effects are replaced by static rather than the actual sounds I used, even though I converted them all to WAV using Audacity.

I will re-upload the pk3 to show all of these problems.

Here it is:

Note I didn’t include anything in the scripts because I didn’t need shaders and won’t add bots of him until later on, but the sound and models are all done to the best of my ability and I double checked the head file itself and the .skin files to make sure there weren’t any typos - there isn’t, which is weird it doesn’t work perfectly.

(Attachment md3_boots.pk3 is missing)

Okay, the attachment didin’t work so please just re-download the link I attached earlier to my Google Drive, cause I replaced it with the latest version.

ioquake3 doesn’t support “Signed 24-bit PCM” WAV files. Use “Signed 16-bit PCM” WAV instead.

The bottom of head is invisible because the skin is missing “models” at the beginning of the image name:


Awesome! Thank you as always.