Hello. My name is ZerTerO. I am the creator of [TUP] The Unofficial Patch and [HQQ] High Quality Quake. I’m trying to correct most errors with the TUPatch.
You can download [TUP] here: www.moddb.com
You can download [HQQ] here: www.moddb.com
I am grateful for all the questions and comments. Bring it on!
[TUP] Changelog - Quake III Arena
add map pro-q3tourney7
add new levelshots
- levelshots/PRO-Q3DM6.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3DM13.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3TOURNEY2.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3TOURNEY4.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3TOURNEY7.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3DM6.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3DM6.jpg
- levelshots/PRO-Q3DM6.jpg
fix levelshots
- levelshots/Q3DM0.jpg
- levelshots/Q3TOURNEY6_CTF.jpg
some ui and hud adjustments
¤ vm\cgame.qvm ¤
¤ vm\ui.qvm ¤
- menu/art/frame_l.tga
- menu/art/frame_r.tga
- menu/art/level_complete1.tga
- menu/art/level_complete2.tga
- menu/art/level_complete3.tga
- menu/art/level_complete4.tga
- menu/art/level_complete5.tga
replacing low quality audio files
- sound\feedback\hit.wav
- sound\world\buzzer.wav
- sound\world\drone6.wav
- sound\world\jumppad.wav
- sound\world\suck1.wav
fix cvar cg_crosshairhealth
¤ scripts\gfx.shader ¤
fix error messages in q3dm8 and q3ctf2
: trying full_rt.TGA…
: trying full_bk.TGA…
: trying full_lf.TGA…
: trying full_ft.TGA…
: trying full_up.TGA…
: trying full_dn.TGA…
- full_rt.tga
- full_bk.tga
- full_lf.tga
- full_ft.tga
- full_up.tga
- full_dn.tga
fix error messages in ctf matches
: trying icons/skull_red.TGA…
: trying icons/skull_blue.TGA… - icons/skull_red.tga
- icons/skull_blue.tga
fix error message
: trying models/players/model/skin.tga
¤ scripts\gfx.shader ¤
fix error message with ‘func_plat’ entities
: could not find sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav
: could not find sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav
- sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav
- sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav
fix missing soundfiles
- sound\player\announce\bones_wins.wav
- sound\player\announce\cadavre_wins.wav
- sound\player\announce\hunter_wins.wav
- sound\player\announce\sarge_wins.wav
- sound\player\bitterman\drown.wav
- sound\player\crash\taunt.wav
[TUP] Changelog - Quake III Team Arena
add map mpteam9
fix error message
: trying ui/assets/3_cursor2.TGA…
¤ ui/hud.menu ¤
¤ ui/min_hud.menu ¤
fix error messages in mpteam2 and mptourney4
: trying 512_rt.TGA…
: trying 512_bk.TGA…
: trying 512_lf.TGA…
: trying 512_ft.TGA…
: trying 512_up.TGA…
: trying 512_dn.TGA…
- 512_rt.tga
- 512_bk.tga
- 512_lf.tga
- 512_ft.tga
- 512_up.tga
- 512_dn.tga
fix error message and activating all existing voice-files
: WARNING: could not find sound/voices/male2/tt_01.wav - using default
¤ scripts/female1.voice ¤
¤ scripts/female2.voice ¤
¤ scripts/female3.voice ¤
¤ scripts/male1.voice ¤
¤ scripts/male2.voice ¤
¤ scripts/male3.voice ¤
¤ scripts/male4.voice ¤
¤ scripts/male5.voice ¤
fix error messages in ctf, oneflag, harvester and overload matches
: Leg skin load failure: models/players/characters/janet/lower_blue.skin
: Torso skin load failure: models/players/characters/janet/upper_blue.skin
: Failed to load skin file: The Fallen/ : janet : default, *ursula : default
- models/players/janet/The Fallen/lower_blue.skin
- models/players/janet/The Fallen/upper_blue.skin
- models/players/janet/The Fallen/thefallen_blue.tga
[HQQ] High Quality Quake - Example ( old / new )
Sorry for my bad english…