Quake 3 fire logo

does anyone know what script

contains the code for the firey logo banner above the q3 main menu?

Uncompressing pak0.pk3
The model is in: models/mapobjects/banner/banner5.md3, linking to a shader in scripts/models.shader

You’ll find something like this in the script:


  cull disable 
		//map models/mapobjects/banner/q3banner04.tga
                map textures/sfx/firegorre2.tga
                blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
                tcmod scale .05 .1
                tcMod turb 0 .25 0 .6
                tcmod scroll .4 .3
	        //rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 .1
               map textures/sfx/bolts.tga
               tcmod scale .2 .2
               tcmod rotate 999
               tcmod scroll 9 9
               blendfunc add 
               rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 .2
                map textures/sfx/firegorre2.tga
                //map models/mapobjects/banner/q3banner04.tga
                blendFunc add
                tcGen environment
                tcmod scale 5  5 
                tcmod scroll 0.09 0.04
                //rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 .1


    cull disable
    //deformVertexes wave 70 sin 0 .7 0 .4

		map models/mapobjects/banner/q3banner02.tga
                blendFunc add
                tcmod scale  2  1
                tcmod scroll .33 0
                rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 .2
		map models/mapobjects/banner/q3banner02.tga
                blendFunc add
                tcmod scale  3  1
                tcmod scroll -.45 0
                rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 .2
		map models/mapobjects/banner/q3banner02x.tga
                blendFunc add
                tcmod scale  4  1
                tcmod scroll 1 0
               // rgbGen wave sin .5 .5 0 -.2