I discovered this great quake3 version 
I’m running it on an old Dell D410 from 2005 without any issue 
I’m playing with a friend but could be very nice to be able to speak/chat ingame instead of using a smartphone
Any hints?
Here are the instructions from the wiki for ioquake3 VOIP:
- Make sure your network settings are set to broadband.
- /s_useOpenAL 1
- /snd_restart
- /bind q “+voiprecord”
- Hook up a microphone, connect to a VoIP-supporting server.
- Hold down the ‘q’ key and talk.
Please take a look at the archived version of the wiki, here for more information: https://web.archive.org/web/20190517064218/http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Players_guide#How_do_I_enable_Voice-Over-IP.3F
What do you mean for
- Hook up a microphone, connect to a VoIP-supporting server.
In game there is a config related?
Do I need to keep the game running, change windows and login somewhere?
In fact I want to chat (speak) only with people in my match.
no, this isn’t a website, this is talking about connecting to a game server