Hi guys.
I know a .pk3 called ztm-flexible-hud, but this solution are too restrictive to manage freely the weapon model in other FOV values.
In fact, I’ve search for hel in other great project called Quake 3 Spearmint were a great guy called zturtleman have listened my petition from a idea taked from another game called Serious Sam 2, where I’ve detected that the render makes the weapon model independent from the embiroment render, so the result is when you changes the FOV in game, the weapon model is not altered for the FOV value.
Sadly, this guy have decided to stop developing this grear source port
Long live to Spearmint, what memories!
The problem with this solution, is I can’t change the X Y Z values from weapon model.
The second try was with a cool russian guy called Берсеркер (Berserker) with a wonderfoul project called Quake 3 Berseker (obious).
In this case, I’ve requested to make the X Y Z variables unlocked. And the cool guy responds me: “Hello SolivaN, I will unlock this cvars”
here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3Akr/jopYJCvbX
post: http://quakegate.ru/forum/topic429/page156/
The problem with this source port, is with his eyecandy features (Fake PPL renderer,
True PPL renderer, Parallax mapping, Specular mapping, Texture distortion, Advanced material system, etc) is that the FPS drops dramatically even on my RTX 2070!
So’ I’ve thinking about Vulkan render that is the solution for all things in the life, vulkan brings a solution for my low self-esteem, for the love of the girl that I don’t have, the solution for, ejem, sorry.
So, vkQuake3 is here: https://github.com/suijingfeng/vkQuake3/releases
This project have a excelent performance on the FPS stability. Very very smooth.
But, this project are implemented from ioquake3 code. So this source port have heredated the same omitted locked variables: cg_gunX, cg_gunY, cg_gunZ
So, I would like to have the possibility to move X, Y, Z axes of my weapon on the screen (HUD weapon), because I like to make the appeareance of weapons more brave and more deteailed.
Here’s a serie of screenshots that shows the possibility that we have with this 3 commands.
First I will make a comparison between Quake 3 Vanilla 1.32 with the view cg_gunx 0, cg_guny 0 and cg_gunz 0 with a classic 4: 3 resolution in 640x480 and cg_fov in 90:
Light Gun: cg_fov 90; cg_gunx 0; cg_guny 0; cg_gunz 0
In the following case, we can see that if we want to configure Lightgun in the same way as in XBOX360, we need to change CVAR cg_gun
Light Gun Quake 3 Arcade (XBOX 360) comparison:
XBOX360 Light Gun HUD
Vanilla Quake 3 Light Gun HUD with cg_gunx 2.4 and cg_fov at 115
Plasma Gun example in 640x480 without changes to cg_gun CVAR or cg_fov CVAR:
But if we change CVAR cg_fov, the weapon model (in the HUD) will decrease dramatically
Plasma Gun: cg_fov 110; cg_gunx 0; cg_guny 0; cg_gunz 0
To fix the perspective of the plasma gun, we need to change the CVAR cg_gun parameters:
Plasma Gun: cg_fov 110; cg_gunx -3.5; cg_guny 0; cg_gunz 5
Now we will make a comparison in Quake 3 Berseker to see its behavior.
Quake 3 Berserker compilation on May 25, 2019 with a view of cg_gunx 0, cg_guny 0 and cg_gunz 0 with panoramic resolution from 16: 9 to 2560x1440 (2k):
Machine Gun example in 2560x1440 unchanged in cg_gun CVAR
Until then, Q3 Berseker excels at 16: 9 with CVAR cg_fov at 90
But let’s see what happens when we change cg_fov’s CVAR to 110
It can be seen that the same thing happens in Vanilla Q3, the weapon model decreases when CVAR changes. Cg_fov
To fix this problem, we need to change CVAR cg_gun, as shown below:
Machine Gun: cg_fov 110;cg_gunx -0.1; cg_guny 0; cg_gunz 3.4; r_znear 4
We see that CVAR r_znear 4 affects the weapon pattern when we try to adjust the perspective of the weapon model in the HUD. Same happens with ioquake3, spearmint, and vkQuake. (and vanilla quake 3 of course)
To completely fix this problem, we need to change the r_znear value to 1
I think that z_near is dangerous for hacking, wallhack, etc. So, a good idea is to limit his values from 0 to 4 (like Quake Live does with his cvars)
We can also customize the impressive BFG 9000 to look like UnrealTournament99Redeemer:
BFG 9000: cg_fov 110; cg_gunx 1.5; cg_guny -9; cg_gunz 6; r_znear 1
In conclusion, I want to show that unlocking CVAR cg_gunx, cg_guny, cg_gunz and r_znear will help Quake 3 Source Ports become even more universal with HUD.
This source is incredible, they really did an excellent job, and I congratulate you and thank you for this wonderful work with such dedication to the classic Quake 3 Arena.
Many thanks to all you dudes, developers! of the best source ports
that I have had the opportunity to probe (ioquake3, berserker, spearmint)
My respect to all your, masters!
Some of my dedicated videos to Quake 3, Spearmint and ioquake3 :
Searching a problem with downsampling in Spearmint (solved): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l34_AEAOjv0
Testing in slowmotion the new graphics features in ioquake3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doux9fq14Ao
Testing the Excessive Plus MOD in Vanila Q3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDBzmWx-SuQ