Just saying ,it would be cool if they did.
I’m not sure it’s necessary. I mean, Vulkan provides better performance, but since Quake is a rather simple graphically and very optimized game made for systems way less powerful than today’s computers, I think OpenGL’s performance is sufficient and it probably wouldn’t be worth the hassle of porting the backend.
Vulkan support was added in this branch - https://github.com/suijingfeng/vkQuake3
I wonder if they’re doing something like what was done in Q2?
I think there is one use case for a standard vk renderer that makes a lot of sense: the Raspberry Pi. The OpenGL2 renderer is very slow on Raspberry PiOS, even on a Pi 4 on bookworm. The hardware is fast enough, as the legacy renderer runs about twice as fast, so I’m wondering if parts of the Pi’s OpenGL stack aren’t accelerated on the GPU.
It’s been few years and many source ports have already supported vulkan backend, for example Q3 Kenny Edition, Quake3e, vkQuake3 and probably many more that
are not frequently mentioned. I would like to ask if the team would consider to include vulkan renderer. I could help with extracting the renderer from either
vkQuake3 or Q3 Kenny edition. I hope by having the renderer in the de facto ioq3, it would help reduce the maintenance of many Q3 ports.
Wouldn’t object to a vulkan renderer being added and maintained by someone. That’s the whole point of the pluggable rendering system.
Thanks for your endorsement. Here is the Pull Request Add vulkan renderer by runlevel5 · Pull Request #710 · ioquake/ioq3 · GitHub