Weapon positioning commands (cg_gunx, cg_guny, cg_gunz)

zturtleman (Zack Middleton) was so friendly to upload the mod again. So the easiest way to use the new HUD is to download the ‘ztm-flexible-hud-r2.pk3’ from the link above! Start the mod like any other mod e.g.:

  1. download the ‘ztm-flexible-hud-r2.pk3’ from above.
  2. create a new folder inside your ioquake3 folder any give the new (mod) folder a name, and put the downloaded ztm-flexable-hud-r2.pk3 into this newly created folder.
  3. Start ioquake3 and you will see the new mod in your MODS menu.
  4. Choose/start this mod (by clicking onto it) and you will have access to all the cvars this mod supports (as mentioned in the readme).
    (Of course you can also start the mod from command line: +set fs_game modname)).

This way you can use the new features of the mod without any more work included.
Some more general info about how to start mods: http://www.quake3world.com/q3guide/mods.html

This works for me, if it doesn’t work for you, please let us know!

If you really want to apply the patch, you need at least some basic knowledge how to compile the ioquake3 source code. A good manual can be found here: How to build ioquake3 using Cygwin
The process of applying the patch is something different, you can do this by using SVN or Git (?) tools.

But since zturtleman provided the ztm-flexable-hud-r2.pk3, I highly recommend the method without any coding involved!