Urban Terror 4.31 crashes on load with the current ioQuake Testbuild on MacOS 10.12.2. Any suggestions to fix that?
Best regards, Andreas
Urban Terror 4.31 crashes on load with the current ioQuake Testbuild on MacOS 10.12.2. Any suggestions to fix that?
Best regards, Andreas
Urban Terror does strange things to prevent it from loading in other engines, if I remember that right.
Damn… Quake Live doesn’t support Mac anymore. The official Mac release 1.32c and the stable ioQuake3 1.36 doesn’t work anymore on MacOS 10.12.
The current Testbuild runs fine! But there are many problems with mods. Rocketarena 1.76 says version mismatch with local server and UrbanTerror crashes on startup. At lease CPMA runs fine…