Quake3 arena RPi5 help sith server started, where does pak0.pks go?

I am trying to get ioquake3-server running on the RPi5 Debian. I bought the game from GOG and installed it on a x64 host. I copied the baseq3 to the RPi. I have another RPi trying to connect.

connecting to IP:27960
awaiting challenge 999

I connect quake3 from the same RPI that the server is on

it states the same thing

I see the UDP port 27960 listening, I see packets from the remote quake3 client (tcpdump) going to the server. the remote quake3 states but not from the local

I have found baseq3 in 4 different places, after reading the instruction, I am not sure where the pak0.pk3 goes.

Generally the pk3 files go in baseq3 directory in the same directory as the server executable. The server will error and exit if pak0.pk3 isn’t found. It prints the search path to the console on start up which lists all the pk3 files.

Make sure to load a map using map q3dm17 on the ioquake3 server to allow clients to connect.

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