Hey guys!
I’ve been trying to set up sensitivity change when a key is pressed, and return to the previous setting when it’s released. I think the best available solution would be to use alias command and bind it to +action and -action, but there are is no Alias command
is there an alternative in ioquake?
Won’t it be better just to set desired sensitivity for each weapon?
Btw, i was trying to play witch such config but it’s not a good idea imo. Better work out perfect input configuration and stick to it. So in time even Your arm will know, how fast to move a mouse to hit 10px wide target on 100 degree angle.
Also, if You use last git version, u can use QL mouse acceleration http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Players_Guide#QuakeLive_mouse_acceleration
Thanks for your reply Bagheera.
I infere from it that aliases have been dropped and there is no similar thing in ioquake. Is that right?
I’ll try your solution as well, thanks.
I don’t know. I’ll check that later.
Anyway, You can use a simple script to cycle predefined sensitivities. Here’s an example of my fov zoom toggle:
bind AUX6 "vstr sniper_f" // side mouse button
seta sniper_f "vstr zoomin"
seta zoomin "+zoom; cg_fov 70; set sniper_f vstr zoomout"
seta zoomout "-zoom; cg_fov 120; set sniper_f vstr zoomin"
Thanks! It’s appreciated !