InstaUnlagged Mod?

Anyone here remember the InstaUnlagged mod? Well it was my favorite mod years ago, and I cannot find the code anymore. Two questions:

  1. Does ioquake maintain mode code as well as the game? If so, then can we add this mod?
  2. Anyone know where I can find the latest InstaUnlagged?


Hi @strife I have something for you :

You can learn more from others on our server, join us :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! Do mods get contributed into ioquake and maintained there?

I think yes :slightly_smiling_face:

What is your name on Discord ?

I just joined as ‘derptacious’

I’ve added you to your friends on Discord :slight_smile:

The ioquake3 project doesn’t maintain individual mods, but we do attempt to retain compatibility with the majority of mods.

I just found out about the q3a engine via the discord chat… Does ioquake intent to incorporate this update/improved engine?

ioquake3 is an updated/improved quake 3. I’m not sure what you mean. There are other forks that are not compatible with regular Quake 3, we generally strive for compatibility.

quake3e engine , a fork from a very early ioq3 is very much compatible and up to date ->

Right, so the question is: is quake3e more up-to-date or advanced than ioquake’s engine, and if so, then why not merge it into ioquake?

@Patrix thanks, but it seems like those download links are defunct.

What download links? If your talking about the Github page I posted, is the open source project, and like I said is based of an early ioq3 version. Is intended for more performance rather than all the extra ioq3 has gained over the years and as you can see is being actively devd even looking to include vulkan within its main source