i can`t get Quake3 to run.
Downloaded and copied ioquake3 to /Applications/ioquake3/.
Copied pak0.pk3 to baseq3 folder (from Steam installation)
Installed new test build.
tty console mode disabled
ioq3 1.36_GIT_c7ebe82-2018-08-02 macosx-x86_64 Aug 2 2018
SSE instruction set enabled
----- FS_Startup -----
We are looking in the current search path:
/Users/simi/Library/Application Support/Quake3/baseq3
0 files in pk3 files
“pak0.pk3” is missing. Please copy it from your legitimate Q3 CDROM. Point Release files are missing. Please re-install the 1.32 point release. Also check that your ioq3 executable is in the correct place and that every file in the “baseq3” directory is present and readable
Any help would be greatly appreciated.