Anaglyph 3D (Red/Cyan)

In the “improvements” page here, there is listed “Anaglyph stereo rendering (for viewing with 3D glasses)”. I wondered if anyone knows how to turn this on, if it’s maybe a cvar? I’m using Vorpx atm and it doesn’t like Quake III.

Yeah, it’s a cvar r_anaglyphMode 1 for red-cyan. It may work better with r_greyscale 1. Note both of these do not currently work correctly in the default opengl2 renderer, so you would need to use cl_renderer opengl1 as well.

You can open the in-game Quake 3 console by pressing shift+escape and paste the below commands and press enter to enable anaglyph stereo 3D.

cl_renderer opengl1; r_anaglyphMode 1; r_greyscale 1; vid_restart

You can switch back to the defaults with:

cl_renderer opengl2; r_anaglyphMode 0; r_greyscale 0; vid_restart

Quote from ioq3


Enable rendering of anaglyph images
red-cyan glasses:    1
red-blue:            2
red-green:           3
green-magenta:       4
To swap the colors for left and right eye
just add 4 to the value for the wanted
color combination. For red-blue and
red-green you probably want to enable

r_greyscale is fractional. It’s possible to use r_greyscale 0.5, etc to mix some color in.

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