64 bit macOS Catalina


Is there a 64 bit version of ioQuake somewhere? Catalina doesn’t run 32-bit apps anymore.


there are no modern pre-compiled downloads available at this time, compiling from source is the path to take until we have downloads available again.

We are working in this dev branch for 64bits Catalina Support:

Installation script is working but ioquake3fe-1.36.app is still flagged as 32-bits.
I’ll be grateful for receive some help. Thread solving this problem here:

Once this file done, dev branch will be merged to master for a new stable install release supporting full Catalina macOs compatibilty.

Please check.

(links removed, they link to a script that pirated quake 3 -@TimeDoctor)

This script is incredibly insecure and appears to download resources from a Dropbox account.

I’ll appreciate some help from you to improve security.
Now in dev branch resources are downloaded directly from repository (Git LFS) and official CPMA urls.

Work in process to release master version soon.


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ioquake3fe-1.36.app source code is at ioquake3 misc/osxfe/ioquake3fe. Maybe it’s possible to rebuild with Xcode for x86_64.

Oh perfect. I’ll try to do.
If anyone achieve to compile it please notify me.

Thanks for all.

I can’t achieve that :frowning:
Any suggestion?

you don’t need that app, you can ignore the front-end.