


I’ve been wanting to make a 3D game for a while now, and why not start from a time-tested, well-designed, low-bloat FPS engine as a base? I won’t let the C code scare me anymore! It’s time to take apart this engine and see what it’s made of!! I’ll show it its guts in a DOOM 2016-style glorykill!!!

Well, maybe not something so dramatic. But truly, some really great games very near and dear to my heart have been made with derivatives of the idtech 2 and 3 engines. Actually, almost all contemporary 3D games can trace their lineage back to those seminal softwares. It would seem that no matter what kind of 3D game I intend to make, returning to the roots of modern 3D would be a good place to start, no? Well, I suppose that’s what I’m here to find out. Wish me luck, and maybe I’ll make the next Dark Forces or Half-Life! Gotta keep the dream alive to someday live the dream.